HeidelbergCement Bulgaria took part in the Third International Conference on Safety and Health at Work
From May 14th to 16th, 2019 in Albena resort was held the 3rd International Conference on Safety and Health at Work under the top theme "Near Miss Accidents – One Step Beyond". The conference is organized by “Center on Health and Safety at Work” Foundation. During the event Mrs. Rositsa Angelova, Safety and Industrial Hygiene Manager presented good practices of HeidelbergCement Bulgaria dedicated to the topic. The program of the event was attended by Executive Director of EA "General Labor Inspectorate" – Mrs. R. Mihaylova, Director of “Labor Inspectorate” General Directorate – Mrs. M. Angelova, Director of “Working Conditions” Fund – Mrs. Violeta Dobreva, as well as lecturers from different companies in Europe – Austria, England, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia.
The overall international trend reinforces the understanding that near miss accidents reporting is important in order to engage employees to submit information to be analyzed as a key factor in identifying accident prevention measures.