"Live Periodic System" with the support of Devnya Cement

This year is declared by UNESCO as an International Year of the Periodic System on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of its creation. On May 10th, the Day of the Chemist and on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the foundation of "Dr. Petar Beron" Mathematics High School in Varna, with the initiative of „Mendeleev“ club for extracurricular activities, the students together with their teachers built an impressive "Live Periodic System" at the Park-monument of the Bulgarian-Soviet friendship in Varna which was shot with drone. The participants in the initiative were dressed in colorful t-shirts in order to recreate the Mendeley's table as we know it on paper. The main sponsor of the initiative was Devnya Cement, whose representative Mrs. Magdalena Gocheva, Communication Manager, was a guest of the event and gave a special greeting to the students and their teachers about the extremely original idea and its excellent realization. The company was given a special thanks for the support after which a loud greeting rang from the over 130 participants who shouted in one voice “Devnya Cement!”. Mrs. Antoaneta Hineva, teacher on Chemistry and chief organizer, presented a very pleasant surprise, namely a specially crafted cardboard cake with chemical elements, containing candies in gratitude for the support. As the Bulgarian tradition demands, the event ended with a lively Danube horo. 

The Bulgarian National Television was invited to broadcast the event, the reportage from where can be seen here.