Fast heroes

PROJECT "FAST HEROES 112" for the children of Devnya

The municipality of Devnya, the "Vasil Levski" school, the "Nezabravka" school and the three large industrial enterprises in the municipality - "Agropolychem" AD, "Devnya Cement" AD and "Solvay Sodi" AD are once again joining forces in the cause of children's health and education.

The idea of implementing the initiative in the city of Devnya was received with great enthusiasm by the local government and the management of the educational institutions. The program also received the institutional support of RUO, Varna. The FAST HEROES 112 project is planned to start on the territory of the Devnya municipality on November 15, 2022 and to cover all children in the city between the ages of 6 and 9.

FAST HEROES 112 is a health education program aimed at children aged 6 to 9 and their loved ones, in which everyone is taught how to recognize the symptoms of a stroke and how to act properly in an emergency. The program uses children's natural enthusiasm to share their knowledge at home and thus teach everyone in the family how to recognize the symptoms of a stroke to act confidently and quickly in an emergency. The goal is for people to seek medical help in the first 3 "golden" hours, so there is a 90% chance that the stroke will be experienced without severe and terrifying consequences for the victims and their relatives.

The training is carried out within the children's curriculum by their teachers, according to textbooks specially made for the purpose. The program is international, developed by psychologists, and at the time of its implementation, children are introduced in a light and interactive way, through various video materials, songs and games, to the main signs of a stroke and their correct reaction in case they witness such a situation . In addition to each child, his 2 parents and 4 grandparents receive life-saving lessons, so at least 6 more people in society benefit from the knowledge of 1 child.

FAST HEROES 112 is in Bulgaria from April 2021 with the help of the World Stroke Organization. It is included in the "Schools for Health" initiative of the World Health Organization and UNESCO and enjoys the indispensable support of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Bulgarian Society of Neurology. Within 1 year, the program was part of the education of children in 97 schools and kindergartens, over 250 teachers were worked with, over 1,900 children were trained, and over 11,000 adults with their families.

The start of the program in Devnya is just a few days after October 29 - World Stroke Day. Shocking statistics from the World Stroke Organization indicate that 1 in 4 adults will experience a stroke in their lifetime. In Bulgaria, stroke is the leading cause of death and disability.

The joint project of the local government, educational institutions and business is aimed at training, prevention and saving human lives. After the completion of the program, 200 FAST HEROES will be trained on the territory of Devnya municipality, who will know how to take care of their favorite super heroes - grandparents, parents, relatives, in the event of a stroke symptom and will pass on the knowledge you are at least 1200 adults.

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