Devnya Cement was part of a regional forum under the slogan "Business – Strength for Good"
Devnya Cement was part of the first for 2019 regional forums of the UN Global Compact Network Bulgaria under the slogan "Business – Strength for Good", which took place on June 26th in partnership with Solvay Sodi, host of the event, University of Economics – Varna and Varna Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The purpose of the forum is to show how business can be a strength for good by presenting a series of successful practices that professionals from different industry sectors share with the audience.
During the event Mrs. Magdalena Gocheva, Communication Manager together with colleagues from Agropolychim and "Vasil Levski" school in Devnya presented the project for the creation of professional classes as an example of fruitful three-party cooperation between local authorities, education and business.

Devnya Cement took up the ovations of the public with regards to the interactive children's museum "The Path of Waste" which was presented in an extremely attractive and impressive way by his own talisman Mr. Clinker.

At the end of the event, all guests were invited to an organized tour in the soda plant of Solvey Sodi.
The forum gave publicity to the good practices in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility for local companies, showing that these partnerships create shared value for business and society.